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To Eradicate Health Disparities and Uplift Struggling Populations

Thank you for considering providing a donation to MATCH UP. Without funds, our organization would not be able to accomplish its yearly goals. If you have any questions or are interested in sponsoring our organization, please refer to the FAQ or contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

We know that donating to MATCH UP may bring up some questions. If you have any hesitations or worries regarding your donation and/or where it is going, we hope the guide will help answer any of your queries. Any additional questions can be emailed to us.

01. Can I earmark a donation?

To earmark a donation means you are specifiying where exactly you would like your donation to go under the umbrella organization. In this case, please add a comment when making a donation.

02. How do I sponsor?

Sponsorships are always welcome! MATCH UP has several levels of sponsorship and would love to hear what you have in mind. Please contact us at

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